
e.CENARIS: Ineris's infrastructure dedicated to scientific observation and real-time monitoring of ground and underground risks

e.CENARIS For geotechnical and geological risks related to georesources and geostructures.

e.CENARIS permits to provide research organizations, local authorities, industries, engineering groups, and state agencies with cutting-edge seamless monitoring services to:


Design and set-up new research projects or early warning systems,


Improve and boost current projects with preexisting monitoring systems,


Set up compliant monitoring systems to face emergency situations.

Recent Projects
  • Nodes_Sismiques

    Acquisition par l’Ineris d’un parc de nodes sismiques et premier déploiement sur le terrain

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  • Boliden

    Exploitation du sous-sol profond : signature d'un accord de collaboration avec la société suédoise Boliden

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  • barrage bimont

    At the request of the Société du Canal de Provence, the Institute recently participated in the conduct of a stress measurement campaign on the Bimont arch dam (Saint-Marc-Jaumegarde, 13).

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  • bonifacio

    Amélioration de la connaissance de l’aléa mouvement de terrain

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Mo 24 june 24

Le 24 june 2024 - Webinar dedicated to the presentation of the Good Practice Guide for the control of seismicity induced by deep geothermal operations
In a webinar organized by the EPOS TCS-AH Consortium, Ineris and BRGM will present the key elements of the guide published in 2023.

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Ineris has ready-to-go monitoring equipment and systems for emergency situations. For more information about availability and conditions, please contact us at